End of Life
Providing services for End of Life & Grief/Loss

End of Life Doula
I have been trained as an End of Life Doula from The International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA). Its important to note, that I can not be your therapist and your end of life doula at the same time, the roles are separate and distinct.
Definition of Doula from INELDA:
An end-of-life doula guides a person who is transitioning to death and their loved ones through the dying process. The doula might get involved soon after a terminal diagnosis, later on when the person declines more, at the point where the person’s body is beginning its final breakdown, or even after a death to help loved ones start their time of grieving. The doula will provide emotional, spiritual, and physical support to everyone involved.
Above all, the doula listens deeply to the concerns, fears, hopes, and life stories of the dying person and their loved ones to bring them peace at the end of life. The doula holds the space for the kind of dying experience that honors who the person is and has been in their life, and helps them live with purpose up to the final breath.
“Doula” is a Greek word, which in ancient times referred to a woman of service. In the 1980s doula came into use again in reference to a person who guided a woman—and others she chose to be with her—through the birthing process. The end-of-life doula approach is based on that birth doula model. You may hear us identify as a death doula, death midwife, death coach, end-of-life coach—but no matter the name each of us is providing compassionate death care.
At its core, this model of care is about open-hearted service. The doula meets with the dying person and their loved ones where they are emotionally and spiritually. The doula assists all involved to find a way to live their dying in the best way possible for them. At the same time, the doula will utilize their experience and expertise to offer expanded view of dying that can bring greater meaning and comfort to this intense process.

Its important to know what your resources are:
California Hospice and Palliative Care Association
American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying